Monday, June 6, 2011

Total Troop Help

I have to start this post out by telling you how incredibly amazed I am by this! Mindee and I came up with the idea to start sending the coupons over to the troops about a month ago - to be quite honest with you, I don't even know if it has been a full month. But when we did it and sent it out to you, I thought ok, maybe we will get about 1-5 packages a month for MAYBE a total of 500.00 ish. I should have known better! We have the best couponers ever!!! Mindee received package after package with one extremely nice letter and thank yous after another. It amazed me! She took her own time (which was a lot!! THANK YOU MINDEE!!) and money to sort, total, and ship these all over to the base that we have adopted in Italy.
Today Mindee let me know the total and I started crying. It was crazy!! I can not thank you all enough for your generosity and willingness to give to others!! Because of you, we were able to generate such a high total.

Can I have a drum roll please............. The total for the month of May 2011 is $13,987.35!!!! - This total was just for one month - our first month. So if we can do this in one month, can you imagine what we can do if we all let one coupon buddy know about it? I hope that we can all post this on our page at least once or twice to let others know. Our goal for this month is $20,000.00. With this great group of couponers I completely think that we can do that!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to everyone who sent in your coupons!! I look forward to seeing the total for next month. Thank you again! AND THANK YOU TO MINDEE FOR ALL YOUR LONG HOURS AND HARD WORK!!! This program would not have been done without you!!
Thank you everyone!!!
For more info on helping our troops with your coupons Click here


  1. That is wonderful! God bless you and Mindee for everything you do. Lynn - Couponing Ideas
